EHDS Information Exchange

This site is about EU’s legislative project EHDS (European Health Data Space) and similar projects in member states.

There is a menu on the upper right hand side, with our page’s structure. You can explore other pages. On these pages you’ll find a lot of links to documents.

The commission’s proposal of a regulation is here. It is currently discussed in EU’s parliament and council. A joint opinion on it by EU’s data protection authorities has been given.

The parliament’s time schedule for processing this file with names of reporters and fraction’s shadow reporters is here. The parliament’s comittees involved are Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) and Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI). Current status is that the first version of a comittee report has been drafted.

EU documents on EHDS (and the regulation process)

Related EU regulations and initiatives

Related member state laws

Expert Opinions on EHDS

Statements by NGOs

Statements by EU member state institutions

Research Data



Information on the European Health Data Space